Project Overview
The Wolffkraft Design Studio Showreel was crafted to dynamically showcase our diverse projects and capabilities in design and motion graphics. The showreel was designed to be fast-paced and upbeat, capturing the spirit and creativity of our studio’s work.
As the project lead, my role involved weaving together the best of Wolffkraft’s designs to tell our studio’s story through the showreel. I carefully selected projects that showcased our diversity and strength in design.
Putting together the showreel began with detailed storyboarding, where I planned out the sequence of featured projects for a smooth story flow. I animated these plans using Adobe After Effects, which brought depth and energy into each scene. The final stage was careful editing, where I tweaked the timing and rhythm to ensure the showreel was engaging and vibrant from start to finish.
Why I took this up?
When the showreel project came in as something the studio needed, all though it wasn't directly in my job description, I jumped at the chance to explore video editing and motion design. This opportunity was a gateway to stretch my creative skills and delve into a new area of design that fascinated me. Working on the Wolffkraft showreel allowed me to not only showcase our diverse projects but also to sharpen my skills in crafting compelling visual stories. It was a chance to grow, challenge myself, and contribute in a new and exciting way to our team’s dynamic capabilities.